Wednesday, April 22, 2015
This is a message I felt Jesus giving me way back in 2005. Needed it then and still need it today. It is timeless so I call it NOW. Notice how much of the word know, is comprised of the word, NOW. So much to kNOW NOW!
Don't become hard hearted NOW
Don't become unthankful NOW
Don't become unfaithful NOW
Release it, release him, her, surrender self, hopes, concerns, entrust them all to the One, the only One who knows the beginning from the end, NOW.
Trust and Obey, "full heartedly, not fool heartedly" never "half heartedly" but "whole heartedly" in full faith, in "holy"devoted love, NOW.
1 Corinthians 13:11-13
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For NOW we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. NOW I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And NOW abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
Father of all time, Designer of everything, the One who made the visible from invisible, it is to You we come to form and inform YOUR mighty weaponry of prayer. Please, help us target and take out every incoming enemy missile. Cause our faith to be firm, steadfast and without wavering. May we operate in Your strength NOW. May we not hibernate in the falsities of the past or the lies lacing the future. We praise and thank You for NOW. May we not waste it. That we may kNOW You NOW. May we use NOW to glorify You. To share You NOW with the lost, that they may come to know You, NOW. You are ready to forgive NOW, all done in the past simply by asking and believing You are who You say You are.
Thank You, that You are who You say You are, and that You say who You are in Your Word. You are the same NOW, today, yesterday, tomorrow and forever. You are here NOW, everywhere omnipresent. You are God.
You are so faithful. You are forgiveness. You give us forgiveness to give NOW. Forgiveness is supernatural to us, done only in and by You, for Your sake. Make us more forgiving, less critical and more loving. Cause us continuos prayer awareness. Make us wise as serpents and gentle as doves, NOW. Help us to never waste or ignore NOW. Your Presence is Omniscient and we need You always and NOW. You know us so well!!! Thank You in the matchless name of Jesus, in whose name we pray, peace to Israel. Amen.
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