"We are to Invest by Liven' what we've been Given', Received and Believed, until He returns."
A caught thought from Luke 19, parable of the Minas.
What have we been Given? All and more than we need for all time. We have been given Jesus who is-
Forgiveness, Faith, Salvation from sin, Grace, Hope, Peace, Love, Light, Truth, the Gospel, the Holy Spirit, Eternal Life and so much more. All gifts. Investable gifts. He gives the gift of Himself, invested in us by the power of the Holy Spirit Himself. We invest to bless Your Holy name.
Father in heaven, help us be fruitful investors, especially during these uncertain times, evil times and times of increasing tumult. We want to be found living what we been given; living all we have received and believed, until Jesus returns. We want our lives to show You, to glow You out of every trial and test we are given. You do the growing and are all knowing. Please form and inform our prayers that they may be acceptable in Your sight, accomplish Your might and bring many to Your open heart. Thank You that Your heart of truth remains open, during this deceiving time. You are ready to receive all who will believe. You are so good.
"I know You can do everything and that no purpose of Yours will be withheld from You." Job 42:2
Please, shine Your light on this present evil. Spotlight it globally, for all to see, that all may contrastingly, see Jesus. Strengthen the faithful and bring all those who will believe into salvation very soon. May they decide and begin to abide in the safety, clarity and courage of Your word. Now.
We long for the day when every knee will bow at the mention of Your name. Until then, we do Your business. Brighten our uplook as our outlook darkens. We pray peace to Israel and trust You, trust You now especially for all we do not know You are presently bringing to pass. You are worthy of our total faith, worship and loyalty. We love You and seek to spread Your good news to all You place in our day. Give us clarity and courage. Thank You in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
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