Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Greatness and Lostness both begin with a thought….

Does God see you as a doer of His word, therefore wise, with a rock solid house?

"Whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24
The foundation of jesus Christ is what will give us the stability our hearts and lives need now and into the future. By allowing the Lord's wisdom to guide us in our relationships, decisions, and priorities, we find that He provides the most trustworthy foundation any life could ever be built upon. by Bill Crowder
 I say, I'm solid in Him until I drift, when my thoughts drift. I catch them, redirect to Him, and stabilize. "Catching and redirecting" builds spiritual muscle and stable thinking. "Caught thoughts" are some of my greatest teachers. 
Father God, thanks for thinking of me, us, continually. We have literally no idea what would happen to us without You. Cause us to be continually thinking of You May we be found continually thinKING of our King Jesus and what has already been designed for today, and may we just do it. May we decide to live, realizing the greatness of salvation and the lostness of drifting. May our banner be, "Yahweh, not my way." We pray peace to Jerusalem in the matchless name of King Jesus. Amen. 

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