Wednesday, March 30, 2016

When the Corrupt, Lead…..Disorder Results…….Danger happens.

This is only my personal summary of what I see taking place. I'm a forgiven, Christian who prays.
For me, things are happening as "my Bible tells me so." The world has devolved into a massive heap of corruption which is leading every nation. Kings and kingdoms are factionalized and at war within and from outsiders. Division is superseded only by Deception. The times are ripe for anti-christs. They lead power struggles in the name of religion, but are more interested in controlling real estate and people because of greed for power. One particular "religion" is hardly more than an excuse for beheading, butchering, raping, stealing and overthrowing weaker leaders to dominate real estate. Their god is pure evil. There is a division of that religion who practices peace, but, today, many muslims are coming to Christ for full on saving grace and eternal life in the one true God, our living Lord Jesus Christ.

Globally, corruption reigns. The Bible explains that this is the prince of the power of the air, whom God is allowing to reign for a time. His days are numbered. By my understanding of Biblical eschatology, his reign of terror over Christians will come to an end very soon, with the rapture of the church. This will usher in 7 years of the worst, earth has ever seen. More suffering, death and destruction the last 3 and 1/2 years of the tribulation. Then Jesus comes again, wielding ultimate judgment and the destruction of Satan. This is unprecedented evil, destroyed ultimately, by ultimate good, our God.

Until then, we spread the gospel with our eyes on Jesus. We notice who is sent to us to hear His gospel of good news. We never stop with this. If we are hospitalized, we speak of His great and free gift of salvation because of His unconditional, forgiving love. We do not quit spreading the glory of Christ as we know Him.

During this time a very great way to refresh ourselves and renew our resolve to serve Him, is to study the names of Christ and share them. Live them. Worship Him. Praise Him. Listen for His voice. Trust and obey.

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