Friday, July 26, 2019

About Racism...a view through today's prayer & Bible time

After prayer today, I'm finding, I'm always praying for and seeing TRUTH RISE...ABOUT RACISM....Racism is an evil word, turned into a man made weapon, used AGAINST GOD'S WORD. I believe RACISM doesn't exist. "He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth." Acts 17:26 
What import are we believers, to give RACISM? I'm working with these thoughts:
Discrimination? treatment based on category. 
Racism? a blurry term based on complexion.
Neither Complexion nor Category, framed America's Constitution.
Since Republicans ended Democrat DOMINATED Slavery, with the Civil War, the Democrats created RACISM. Inspired by hell itself, complexion became their focus. Democrats formed the KKK to perform HORRORS unspeakable, human on human. KKK evil, murdered, burned buildings, people and crosses to identify themselves. Democrats live in their own "reality,"refusing to recognize Republicans ended slavery. Civil War ended the dominantly Democrat practice of slavery, and all the cruelty that went with it. Republican President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed FREEDOM FOR ALL! Recently, peaceful towns, like Ferguson have suffered horrific, unnecessary loss and pain. In Ferguson, once again, DEMOCRAT RACIST LIES, NOT FACTS, triggered the horror. Media reported the facts exactly upside down. The young black criminal who had just robbed a store, was encountered by a patrol car, as he walked down the middle of the street. The patrolman stopped his car. Then the young man attacked him, entering the cab of his car and inflicting a head injury on the officer who fought back, killing his attacker. The Democrat spin, reported falsely, that the patrolman shot the boy, when he was surrendering with his "Hands up," which became a protest chant. John Legend even wrote a song called "Hands Up," performed on the Academy Awards that year. Hands up, DIDN'T HAPPEN. DEMOCRAT DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN, SUCCESSFUL!
Humans fall in love, marry and have children with humans of every complexion and category without regard to RACIST POLITICS. We the people, are far more sophisticated, than elites choose to believe. We are all more alike than we are different, as we're all made in the image of God!
All our skeletons and inward parts look like everyone else's. We are one blood, every nation. Jesus is the express image of God. Love conquers all, even political criminals. Believers don't get hung up on politics or political SCHEMES and THEMES, designed to INFLAME, RENAME AND DESTROY. Bible instructs us about Satan's ploys, plans and growing fear of his end! We already know, Satan won't quit, trying to take God's kingdom, from Him. Won't happen. God EDUCATES and EQUIPS all of us who go to Him for education and equipping! He gives to all who ask and show up, readying to serve Him, no matter what happens.


Satan won't quit trying to Rule the world. Power hungry people serve Satan, trying to divide and conquer us. But, believers are unconquerable. "Yet in all these things weare more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:37 God's will happens. He's allowing us to see and correctly identify this war, and His battle plan for victory.
May we see through the fog of deception, and stay properly positioned under God, abiding in Christ.
"For, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him, might be saved." John 3:16-17.

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