Tuesday, April 14, 2015

By faith we know, Him. Wordwalking with Him builds FAITH.

Reading, memorizing, learning and doing God's word daily, helps us walk in faith. I call daily Bible time, word- walking with Jesus. That's why I call this blog, wordwalkwithME. Here He works His word in and out of my heart.  He wants all of us to be found walking by faith, with Him in fellowship, service, love and joy. He invites all of us into the word, at all times. We see Him there. There are wonderful mysteries about Him and He is also, concurrently, completey and perfectly revealing.  Jesus Himself, is the express image of His person, (from Hebrews 1:1). By faith we see, hear and know Him.

Jesus is working, watching, being ever faithful and true. He cannot lie. He walked as a Man thereby knowing firsthand, all we face here on earth. No one understands us like Jesus. We need power and promises. He gives power and promises that work! He keeps His word. His word happens. His way invites all to believe. His heart has room for all. He goes before all. He is over all. He looks over us all, overlooking no one. He hears us. He listens. He walks with us. He speaks to our hearts. He gifts us with the Person of the Holy Spirit Himself as the believer's Indweller.We are never alone. He is coming again and knows exactly how He wants to find us, FAITHFUL.

God's word is so giving, all powerful and our fuel, for living.

When He returns. He wants to find us, faithful. We are always and only to trust in Him. Wholehearted trust is a must. (from Proverbs 3-5)

God asks us so many questions throughout scripture. God's questions move us, toward Himself. Luke 18:8b tells us that Jesus asks, "Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" This question reveals that Jesus wants to see us walking in real, authentic, daily FAITH. We are to be praying always, without losing heart (from Luke 18:1). Walking in faith is a daily challenge.

Faith is more of an "enemy target" than we tend to realize. Faith must be tended to, built and fortified daily.

Thank You God for replacing our worry with worship, our fears with faith and our weakness with Your strength. We set our hearts on faith, no matter what we hear, see and feel happening. We seek Your kingdom first and to glorify You. Help us, remind us and be with us as we seek to walk by faith and not by sight everyday (from 2Cor 5:7).We are Your sheep, the people of Your pasture.(from Psalm 110:3) We pray peace to Israel, in Jesus name. Amen.

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