Sunday, March 27, 2016

Style versus Substance.

Noticing the difference between style and substance requires an intellectual commitment and discernment. In today's world of social media and instant sound bites, photos, etc. Substance has almost disappeared. Guess who judges substance? Guess who provides substance? Guess who shows us substance? God. Guess who misses all that? All we like sheep. Deception will keep us believing in a candidate's "public persona"and totally missing substance. God will show us substance through it all if we ask to see as He sees, and decide as He leads.

Father, forgive our surface judgments. Cause us to see the substance of what is, rather than what we believe it to be. Especially Father, please show Americans the substance in the man You are raising up to lead this nation. Please drench Him in Your Spirit, even this moment. In the matchless name of Jesus. Amen

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