May Christians be cautious not to worship or condemn, ideologies such as conservatism and liberalism. These are not God's terms. They belong to fallen man. We worship our King, Jesus. Jesus, made each politician and may or may not rise up the person of our choice. Therefore, it is in God we trust, not Ted, Glen Beck or Donald Trump. May God show us the issues that matter most to His greater, wider and deeper plan of the ages….He is. His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts, our thoughts. They are higher. Thank God. May we be caught noticing the miraculous rise of the one man who is not a politician. That no matter what Glen Beck says or dominionism implies, there is no "chosen" man for president of our fallen nation. There is one Holy God, who will rise up one person, His way, for His reasons, like He did with Obama. Obama was not my choice, but was His. America must humble, and act in humility, listening and following, God. There will be one person God will raise up, without the help of all pundits, or expert opinionators. Am grateful our God listens to the voice of the people. Wisely, He enacts His next steps, in His plan for the ages. We can see how He has already used the non-politician to shine light on much political corruption, previously unknown or termed, "politics as usual." Ted is a successful obstructionist having shut down the government by reading Dr. Seuss, thinking his way was the only way. His way, was unsuccessful in my view, causing division, costing us billions and was self serving.Ted tried to gain importance and his way, by shutting the government down. So Ted, the obstructionist, is now doing, all he can, to stop Trump. So is George Soros, who is spending $15 million to stop Trump. Wonder who is funding Ted? It's nice to know, Donald funds Donald. Never have I seen Ted's type of self promotion, willing to poach his way, over the will of millions of voters, by buying delegates. The most disgusting thing about Ted is that he does these things in the name of God. So wrong. Good news is that Ted's poached delegates are leaving him, in big numbers. Splitting the party is of no concern to Ted and his supporters. Dominionism is the flawed thought pattern which assigns an anointing, to a person, for leadership. God assigns anointing, not Glen Beck or Raphael Cruz. God is AUTHORITY. Pride, invented dominionisim. Prideful ideologies are never from God. Humility does not characterize the dominionist! No! He is higher and more lifted up than we are or any other leader! Honor is missing. Honor would have caused losing candidates to withdraw by now, and unite behind the frontrunner to defeat the opponents. Not happening. Does not portend well for victory in November. Thought the thunderstorm over DC was as if God is speaking, thundering His discontent with American politics. Am so grateful we are citizens of heaven. Am grateful His word instructs us how to live by HIS TERMS, not ours. Have mercy on America God and especially those politicians who claim You are their God. May the people continue to see past the spin, the $15 million dollars of hate ads and never succumb to the lies of Ted Cruz, or the enemy. Amen.
Dominion Theology
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dominion Theology is a theocratic ideology that seeks to implement a nation governed by conservative Christians ruling over the rest of society based on their understanding of biblical law. Dominion Theology is related to theonomy, though it does not necessarily advocateMosaic law as the basis of government.
Prominent adherents of Dominion Theology are otherwise theologically diverse, including the Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism and the charismatic/Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology and New Apostolic Reformation.
The term Dominion Theology is applied primarily among non-mainstream Protestants in the United States. Some elements within the mainstream Christian right have been influenced by Dominion Theology authors. Indeed, some writers have applied the term "Dominionism" more broadly to the mainstream Christian right, implicitly arguing that that movement is founded upon a theology that requires Christians to govern over non-Christians. Mainstream conservatives do not call themselves "Dominionists," and the usage has sparked considerable controversy.
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